Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Simon Says put your hands on your head....

Just a couple of days ago, I had the pleasure of watching some kids (between the ages of 2 and 4). They were getting restless so we in our desperately and quickly tiring state decided to play a game.

Now we all remember our childhood friend Simon from those preschool or kindergarten days. Remember having to put your hands on your head or spin around or stomp your feet, all at the same time while still trying to listen to "Simon" to hear what you are to do or not to do next. And sometimes you just got tired of listening and gave up.

Isn't this alot like life? We are juggling everything: our busy schedules, school/college/work, social life. All the while God is there telling us to obey him to do this and not to that, but in the midst of it all we lose sight of his plan, we become caught up in our own way of doing it. We forget to listen. God calls us to listen. To be obedient.

So much like a childhood game of Simon says. We too our called to listen, to forsake our way of living and follow his instructions. Do it his way.

So what are you going to do? Live life forgetting to obey the one who created you or live life obeying him?


Anonymous said...

That is touching about the sailor coming home to his son. about the rush thing well it is very easy to get rushed in this world, by jobs or somthing else. People just need to relax and take a break.

Megan said...

I like this. It's especially difficult to listen to the voice of God when you have your mind already set on what you want. In the heat of the moment, or in the mist of the storm, you still have to be quiet and listen to the voice of God. He'll never lead you astray, but our own desires will.

Megan said...

And yes, you can add me to your blog roll. :-)